Serving The Wind Enterprise
EtaPRO® is a real-time monitoring platform for keeping wind turbines running efficiently and reliably through anomaly detection, real-time KPI’s, and early warning of equipment failure.
Leverage site production dashboarding for performance trending to identify degradation or potential failures.
Receive automated notifications of critical plant issues. View real-time plant status. Receive routine daily and monthly reports of plant performance and condition.
Engineers can conduct performance tracking with equipment-specific trending models. Archiving and trending of sensors, calculation of performance indicators such as power coefficient, and other data, provides engineers the tools they need for success.
Remote maintenance teams can maximize their time by deploying technicians when and where it’s most advantageous.

EtaPRO Archive
Embedded applications help you understand fleet performance and individual turbine performance.
EtaPRO Archive stores all results generated by our technologies and makes them available to any end-user having the appropriate credentials for trending, analysis, and reporting.
Understand actual power versus predicted power
EtaPRO’s powerful calculation engine predicts power output based on local conditions of wind speed and direction and ambient conditions and continuously compares it to actual output over time.
EtaPRO Archive gathers critical data on turbine performance and other critical equipment to meet targeted KPI’s. Enjoy a level of customization that you need which other OEM’s SCADA do not.
Analytics and machine learning help detection abnormal conditions
Early warning of off-normal conditions help reduce unplanned and corrective maintenance on main bearings, gearboxes, generators, controllers, transformers, and auxiliary systems before costs become significant.
Make efficient use of roving O&M crews
EtaPRO APR helps identify where problems start popping up so you can focus maintenance staff efforts on issues at their earliest stage before repairs become too costly.
Maximize return on your existing asset investments with EtaPRO APR.

EtaPRO Predictor
Advanced diagnostics and prognostics with vibration frequency analysis,
Identify the presence, location, and severity of mechanical faults in drive train components.
Identify and prioritize corrective actions.
EtaPRO Predictor notifies you of the presence of faults in the wind turbine gearbox and main bearing and stores a continuous history of diagnostic measurements relied upon by vibration experts for root-cause analysis.
Gain a deeper level of monitoring and diagnostics on your rotating wind farm equipment with EtaPRO Predictor.
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